As entering our sixth form is the result of hard work and a conscientious attitude, the new more relaxed dress code is a reward for our students’ efforts during their GCSEs.
There is no longer an expectation for business wear in the sixth form, but students should remember that it is a working environment and dress in a way that does not detract from this. However, if representing the school in a public setting, we would ask our sixth formers to dress smartly.
The dress code is outlined below:
- All sixth form students MUST wear an ID badge and a red/green lanyard. This is a legal requirement to comply with current health and safety measures.
- No offensive slogans or graphic images on t-shirts.
- Students should not wear flip flops, crocs or similar that could be a health and safety hazard.
- All tops must be long enough to cover the mid-riff and short skirts should be worn with tights.
- No clothing that would be worn for a gym class. This will only be worn during a sporting activity or lesson.
- No ripped jeans.
- Any headwear, with the exception of that worn for religious or cultural reasons, is removed when inside the classroom and school buildings.
If anyone does not comply with the dress code, they will be required to meet with the Head of Sixth form in the first instance. If the situation persists, parent/carer will be invited into school to meet with the head of sixth form and a senior leader.