Whether you’re interested in dance, drama, music, sports, the environment or you have a passion for leading and organising charitable and community events, we offer plenty of opportunities outside of the curriculum. There are many enrichment possibilities at post 16 which make our sixth form a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Universities and employers expect to see evidence of students demonstrating leadership skills and participation in activities in both the school and wider community.

Therefore, in addition to the enrichment opportunities listed below, all post 16 students will have the opportunity to get involved in ‘6 for Sixth Form’. The ELA 6 for Sixth Form entitlement is a pledge where students complete six essential experiences over their academic journey in post 16. Each task is designed to prepare our young people for life in modern Britain and develop the skills required to become a global citizen and fully equip our students with the skills they need for their future aspirations and next steps post 18. Further information can be found in the link below.

6 For Sixth Form

Enrichment opportunities

  • First aid training
  • University visits
  • Higher education workshops
  • Apprenticeship workshops
  • Careers presentations e.g. Armed Forces, NHS, Crown Prosecution Service
  • Enterprise day
  • Voluntary service opportunities
  • Employability skills workshops
  • Preparation for adult life e.g. cooking on a budget, personal finance, organ donation
  • Making the most of a gap year
  • Artificial intelligence in the workplace

Extra-curricular and leadership opportunities

  • Young Enterprise
  • Peer mentoring
  • Reading mentoring
  • Primary school outreach work
  • Charity and community events
  • Student committee
  • Supporting whole school events
  • Prom committee
  • Organising the annual Christmas revue
  • Staff student sports
  • Languages workshops

Health and fitness

Year 12 sixth formers have a timetable opportunity to make use of our fully equipped fitness suite on-site at East Leake leisure centre and the sporting facilities at the Academy.

Trips and visits programme

We offer a range of trips and visits to enhance post 16 course opportunities. For example, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Belfast, the Hadron Collider at CERN, theatre trips, fieldwork trips and Nepal. The overview of our extra-curricular and trips and visits programme for 2024-25 is below.

ELA extra-curricular offer 2024-25