Our policies and procedures are important statements of our principles and govern how we operate, ensuring our academy is a safe, secure and progressive environment to learn and work in.

We have a combination of policies that apply across the Diverse Academies Trust along with some that relate solely to our academy. You can view these below by clicking on the links. Paper copies are also available on request.

Accessibility plan1
Anti-bullying policy
Anti-bullying policy – academy appendix1
Attendance policy
Behaviour policy
Behaviour policy – academy appendix1
Careers guidance policy1
CCTV policy
Charging and remissions policy
Concerns and complaints policy
Curriculum policy1
Data protection (GDPR) policy
Equity, diversity and inclusion policy
Freedom of Information Act publication scheme
Health and safety policy
Health and safety policy – academy appendix1
Homework policy1
Mental health and wellbeing principles
Online safety policy
Online safety policy – academy appendix1
Privacy notice for parents and carers
Privacy notice for students
Privacy policy - Wonde (schoolvouchers)
Provider access – academy appendix1
Provider access policy
Relationships and sex education policy
Relationships and sex education policy – academy appendix1
Safeguarding, child protection and low level concerns policy
Special educational needs and disabilities policy with individual academy accessibility plan template
Subject access request form
Supporting students with medical conditions policy
Supporting students with medical needs policy – academy appendix1
Suspensions and exclusions of pupils policy
Uniform and dress code policy1
Unreasonable complaints and vexatious communications policy