Horizontal tutoring

At East Leake Academy, we embrace a horizontal tutoring system.

Each day, students join their tutor group for a 20-minute session that provides a range of activities designed to support their own personal development. A horizontal system enables a bespoke pastoral programme to be followed that meets the needs of the year group and allows students to form positive relationships with their peers.

Our support networks include pastoral leaders for each year group, a student support team, a careers advisor and a dedicated counsellor who runs a range of wellbeing and additional specialist support programmes for our young people.

Students are placed within one of our four houses when they join ELA and will take part in challenges, such as sports days, as part of their house.

Our houses: Eagle, Harrier, Kestrel and Osprey.

Pastoral curriculum

During the morning personal development lessons (PDL) we deliver a wide curriculum offer that encourages students’ wider personal development. This curriculum is age appropriate for each year group and recognises and addresses emerging topics within our academy and local context. Please follow the link below to see what our students have been learning during the first full term this academic year.

PDL programme half term three 2024-25

PDL year 11 half term three 2024-25

Please note: year groups will complete different tasks on different days, but all will be delivered during the academic week.

Pastoral leaders

Each year group has a dedicated pastoral leader as follows: