Students can access additional support and help here at the academy.  In addition to regular assemblies, tutor time sessions, life skills and PSHE lessons dedicated to discussing emotional health and wellbeing, we have a dedicated counsellor, Marie Glover, who is available Monday-Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm.

Marie is on hand to offer students a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings around whatever may be concerning them – however big or small she is there to listen. It is important to be aware that although we offer a confidential service, should students disclose something whereby we have a legal obligation or there is a risk of significant harm to yourself or others, then we would be obliged to inform the relevant people of the session.

How to access support

Marie offers well-being drop in sessions during PDL, break and lunchtime every day.  If you would like a specific appointment then you can drop her a message on Microsoft Teams or ask your tutor/head of year to email her on your behalf.

Young carers

The academy is a member of the Action for Young Carers group. If you are a young carer and feel that you need to talk or need additional support, Marie can support you and help you connect with other young people who are in a similar position.

Further information on Action for Young Carers can be found here.

Young minds

East Leake Academy is one of only 15 schools involved in the Young Minds programme.  This two-year initiative builds on our work in supporting mental health and emotional resilience in young people.

Students who find it challenging to manage anxiety levels at any time and particularly around stressful times such as during examination  periods can talk to our counsellor, Marie.

Further information on Young Minds can be found here.