Core maths
Course content, structure and method of assessment
This qualification is designed to consolidate and build on your mathematical understanding at GCSE, as well as develop your mathematical understanding and skills further in the application of mathematics to authentic problems.
The objectives of the course:
- Deepen competence in the selection and use of mathematical techniques used at GCSE and beyond
- Develop confidence in representing and analysing authentic situations mathematically and applying mathematics to address related questions and issues
- Build skills in mathematical thinking, reasoning and communication
What doors does this open up for me?
This is a new government and employer sponsored course to help students progress mathematically and gain the skills they will need to complete university courses and compete in the emerging employer markets. In particular it is important to students progressing to higher education courses with distinct mathematical or statistical elements such as, product design, economics, business, geography, science and engineering. Core mathematics will be invaluable for any students aiming for a career in a professional or technical field.
Method of assessment
Core maths: assessment is by two exams, both 2 hours long (60 marks each. Equal weighting to final mark).
Both exams will contain questions based on pre-release material that is given two months in advance. There will be a real life problem that needs to be addressed such as Income Tax and National Insurance payments.
- Paper 1: Quantitative methods – financial mathematics, probability and risk, graph analysis, normal distribution
- Paper 2: Critical analysis – unseen problem solving, Fermi estimations, analysis and evaluation of data, mathematical modelling