
History enables students to develop key skills such as analysis and evaluation of historical sources, an awareness of different interpretations, presentation skills and essay writing skills in which they can effectively deliver a supported argument.  History allows students the opportunity to access a broad range of degree subjects and careers, and employers regard it as a strong academic subject.

The History A level is a linear course which includes a breadth study, a depth study and a coursework unit. The breadth study and the depth study will be taught simultaneously, with the coursework unit being taught in year 13. The breadth study focuses on change and development over a period of approximately 100 years within the context of one country. The depth study examines a specific development or issue of important in detail, over a shorter period of time.  The coursework unit will further help prepare students for the demands of Higher Education, specifically independent research, organisation and writing a detailed essay response of approximately 3000-3500 words.

Method of assessment

Depth Study: One written examination at the end of Year 13. This is worth 40% of the A Level.

Breadth Study: One written examination at the end of Year 13. This is worth 40% of the A Level.

Written essay – 4,500 words. This is worth 20% of the A Level.

Topic areas covered

Breadth study: Tsarist and Communist Russia 1855-1964
Depth Depth Study: The Making of Modern Britain 1951 – 2007
Coursework: Witchcraze in Early Modern Europe

Level: A level

Board: AQA

Head of department:
Mrs R Clifton

Teachers of subject:
Mrs R Clifton (lead teacher)
Mrs R Yorke
Mrs A Barto