Whatever plans you have for the future, a knowledge of German will increase your career options. For example, knowing the language of your German business partner improves relations and therefore fosters effective communication and global success. Did you know that German is the second most commonly used scientific language? Germany is in fact the third largest contributor to research. Do you enjoy using technology and communicating with others? Many important websites are in German and Germany is also ranked within the top ten countries globally in terms of annual publication of new books. A knowledge of German therefore offers you extensive international connections for broad spectrum of careers and interests; all of which are reasons why a German A level will give you the skills you will need to contribute to a multinational and multilingual society.
The focus is on how German society has been shaped, socially and culturally, and how it continues to change. In the first year we will study social aspects including youth culture and digital trends as well as the artistic life of the German speaking world. In the second year, further aspects of social background are covered such as multiculturalism, alongside the German political landscape, both in relation to Germany itself and its place in Europe. The past and its role in
shaping the present is viewed through the reunification and its consequences while the focus on young people and politics looks forward to shaping the future of German-speaking countries.
You will work with rigour and have a thirst for cultural knowledge. However, you will be rewarded with a challenging, topical and stimulating course. You will develop your critical thinking skills, autonomy and an understanding of themes relating to German culture and society using authentic and interactive resources.
Method of assessment
Listening, Reading and Writing: 2 hours 30 minutes 40% of A level
Written exam: 2 hours 30% of A level
Oral exam: 21–23 minutes 30% of A level
Topic areas covered
Year 12
- Aspects of German-speaking society: family, the digital world, youth culture including fashion, music and television
- Artistic culture in the German-speaking world: festivals and traditions, art and architecture, cultural life in Berlin
- Literary film: Goodbye Lenin (Wolfgang Becker 2003)
- Speaking: one sub-theme from aspects of German-speaking society and one sub-theme from artistic culture in the German speaking world
- Grammar
Year 13
- Multiculturalism in German-speaking society: immigration, integration and racism
- Aspects of political life in German-speaking society: Germany and the European Union, politics and youth, German re-unification and its consequences
- One text and one film or two texts
- Grammar
Speaking: Presentation of individual research project as well as a discussion on one of the sub-themes covered in the specification