East Leake Academy values and celebrates the individuality of all in our academy community. Our vision is to inspire, raise aspirations and create brighter tomorrows for all our students. We support all our students in their journey to become self-confident individuals, independent learners and enriched young people. To these ends, through our school ethos, curriculum and community links we work towards a common vision, a sense of belonging for all and similar life opportunities for all.
At key stage three, a broad and balanced curriculum maximises students’ life choices and opportunities by providing them with a solid foundation on which to later specialise. All key stage four students can choose to pursue the EBacc, alongside a range of other high-quality courses. Across our curriculum we find opportunities to allow students to develop their character and reflect on their values.
We believe in the principle that all learners are of equal value; this means that all students should benefit equally from our academy offer. Policies, curriculum and practises do not discriminate, but may be adapted to take into account differences.
At each stage the curriculum is adapted to allow all students to progress from their starting points towards equally ambitious outcomes. East Leake Academy embraces an ambitious learning culture that focuses on achievement and celebrates the success of all our students.
Our motto of ‘We Empower, We Respect, We Care’’ shapes our approach. We frequently collect student voice and parent and guardian’s feedback to help inform our approach and improve. We want all our community to feel a sense of belonging at East Leake.
Educating the students at East Leake Academy , and ourselves, on what we can do to promote equality, diversity and inclusion is a significant aspect of our work together. We hope that all students who attend East Leake Academy will also understand the role that they can play in promoting positive action that impacts on the lives of others wellbeing and success.
Equality objectives
At East Leake Academy we recognise that equality of opportunity is a fundamental right, and we have set out the following objectives to achieve this. These objectives should be considered in conjunction with our equalities statement.
Relationships and ethos
- To grow and nurture an ethos which respects and values all people;
- To promote positive attitudes and interactions;
- To promote the academy as a ‘calling out’ culture, expecting all to pass on information to staff that threatens equality, diversity and community cohesion;
- To have high expectations of behaviour which demonstrates respect to others; and
- To eliminate all forms of unfair indirect and direct discrimination, bullying, harassment, victimisation and other oppressive behaviour.
Curriculum and outcomes
- To ensure that the curriculum makes explicit and implicit provision to promote and celebrate diversity and actively challenges stereotypes and prejudiced attitudes, particularly focusing on students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Community engagement and extra-curricular provision
- To make reasonable adjustments within the resources available to remove barriers which limit or discourage access to educational provision and activities
- To promote good relationships amongst the wider community within which we work. We are committed to supporting and highlighting trends to parents and guardians as they emerge.
- To take positive action to provide encouragement and support to individuals and groups whose progress have been limited by protected characteristics. Protected characteristics are: race, disability, sex, age, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity and gender reassignment; and
- To aim to minimise variations in outcomes for different groups.
Recruitment and training
- To ensure that recruitment and selection procedures and practises within the academy are open and transparent and ensure that fair and equal selection criteria is applied;
- During employment the benefits, terms, conditions and facilities available will be reviewed to ensure they are appropriate to the needs of those with protected characteristics;
- Principles of equal pay for equal work will be applied;
- All promotion decisions will be made on the basis of merit, and will not be influenced by any of the protected characteristics; and
- To require employees to participate in training and development activities to encourage the promotion of the principals of this policy.
School improvement
- To monitor and review the implementation of equality and diversity within the academy; and
- To welcome the contribution of future equalities legislation to provide equal opportunities for everyone.
All who are associated with East Leake Academy have a responsibility for promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and avoiding unfair discrimination.
These equality objectives will be reviewed and republished every four years. The next review date is 4 January 2027