There are many opportunities at East Leake Academy to get involved in student leadership activities.
Head students
Year 13 students can apply or be nominated for the position of head student. These are supported by a deputy head and assistants who are all in year 13. Students stand for election in year 13 – they must produce a manifesto and be interviewed before a vote is held. The Principal has the casting vote.
House captains
Each house has house captains and vice-captains who lead and motivate their houses in challenges and inter-house competitions.
Prefects are chosen from each of the houses. Students can apply for these positions of responsibility and act as ambassadors for the academy.
Peer mentors
Peer mentors support younger students and help new students and year 7 students settle into life at the academy.
Enterprise ambassadors
We offer opportunities for students to get involved in leadership and enterprise activities to support studies.
In year 12 students can get involved in the Young Enterprise programme where they develop their own products, work on a business plan and sell to consumers in markets across Europe. They compete against other students in the Rushcliffe district and sell their products locally as well as in countries such as Slovakia.
In year 10 students can apply to become our ‘youNG’ ambassador. One student is chosen from ELA and, together with the ambassadors from nine other schools in Ruschcliffe, they work as a community to represent all Rushcliffe schools. Students meet at the head office and are introduced to a professional working environment to help generate vocational and entrepreneurial spirit and opportunities. Students work with and learn from local businesses and professionals, develop leadership and teamworking skills, and run summer markets in West Bridgford.
Eco-mmunity ambassadors
Students can join our team of eco-warriors at ELA which brings our academy community together to protect the environment. Students develop the Eco Charter and work on projects on biodiversity, school grounds, litter, water and healthy living.
Talk to your tutors about how you can apply for or get involved in any of the above projects.