Year 11 students have 25 lessons a week. Below is a general overview of the topics students are taught throughout the year in each subject. For a more in depth outline of each subject please click on the link for the subject page.

If you would like to speak to us about any aspect of our curriculum, please get in touch.

Core subjects

Combined science


  • Health and disease
  • Biological responses
  • Genetics, evolution and reproduction
  • Adaptation, interdependence and ecology


  • Chemical analysis
  • Rate of reaction
  • Chemical calculations
  • Bonding


  • Forces
  • Waves
  • Magnetism

Visit our science page for more information

English language and literature

Autumn term

Spring term

Summer term

Visit our English page for more information


We focus on addressing any misconceptions and gaps in knowledge that student may have over the past four years. This allows students to develop their understanding of the mathematics curriculum all the way from the basics of year 7 through to the higher or foundation content depending on their tier of entry.

Visit our mathematics page for more information

Physical education

Year 11 students have one physical education lesson per week with the option of following a recreational or competitive pathway. In the key stage 4 curriculum, a broader range of activities are on offer which includes trampolining, tchoukball, dodgeball, boxercise, with access to use the fitness suite.

Visit our physical education page for more information

Personal development

Autumn term 1 – health and wellbeing

Building for the future:

Self-efficacy, stress management, and future opportunities

Autumn term 2 – living in the wider world

Next steps:

Application processes, and skills for further education, employment and career progression

Spring term 1 – Relationships

Communication in relationships:

Personal values, assertive communication (including in relation to contraception and sexual health), relationship challenges and abuse

Spring term 2 – health and wellbeing


Responsible health choices, and safety in independent contexts

Summer term 1 – living in the wider world


Different families and parental responsibilities, pregnancy, marriage and forced marriage and changing relationships

Visit our personal development page for more information

Optional subjects

Art and design

Term 1 – Complete portfolio and final piece

Term 2 – unit 2: externally set project

After making a choice from one of the given starting points, students must respond by producing a body of work similar to their portfolio which must show evidence of coverage of all four objectives. There will be approximately 12 weeks to complete the project with a two-day (10 hours) controlled conditions session, where students complete their final piece at the end.

Visit our art page for more information


Autumn term

  • Making marketing decisions
  • Making operational decisions

Spring term

  • Making financial decisions
  • Making human resource decisions

Summer term

  • Revision
  • GCSE examinations

Visit our business page for more information

Computer science

  • Algorithms
  • Programming fundamentals
  • Producing robust programs
  • Boolean logic
  • Programming languages and integrated development environments
  • Programming

Visit our computer science page for more information

Design and technology

  • Designing and making principles
  • Investigation of data
  • Environmental, social and economic challenge
  • The work of others
  • Design strategies
  • Communication of design ideas
  • Prototype development
  • Selection of materials and component
  • Tolerances
  • Materials management
  • Specialist tools and equipment
  • Specialist techniques and processes

Visit our design and technology page for more information


  • Students will be able to confidently articulate their character choices in their scripted characterisation
  • Students study a wide range of playwrights including but not limited to Amanda Whittington, Mark Wheeler and Willy Russell
  • Students will be able to effectively analyse and evaluate their work which contributes to the overall vision for performance
  • Use a broad range of vocabulary and spoken English
  • Create and develop ideas to communicate meaning for theatrical performance through drama conventions

Visit our drama page for more information


  • Analytical awareness of global implications of engineering
  • Comprehensive knowledge of materials and their properties
  • Broad knowledge of manufacturing engineering processes and applications
  • Understand and independent use of specialist tools and equipment
  • Understand and produce detailed technical drawings by hand and on CAD
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive ability to use research and analysis to inform engineering decisions and the design process

Visit our design and technology page for more information


  • Urban issues and challenges
  • The living world
  • Resource booklet
  • Geographical skills and revision

Visit our geography page for more information


British health and the people, 1000AD – present day

  • Modern medicine and health, from 1900 – present day
  • The pharmaceutical industry
  • Fleming, Florey and Chain and the development of penicillin
  • Modern surgery
  • The role of war, science and technology in the development of surgery
  • Modern public health: the Liberal reforms of the early 20th century
  • Public health in the interwar period
  • The establishment of the Welfare State and the NHS

Elizabethan England 1568-1603

    • Queen Elizabeth I’s background and character
    • Elizabethan government and politics
    • The succession crisis
    • Elizabethan culture and society
    • Poverty
    • Exploration and its impact
    • The Spanish Armada
    • Religious matters
    • Threats to Queen Elizabeth I’s reign from Catholics and Puritans
    • Mary Queen of Scots

Visit our history page for more information

Hospitality and catering

Term 1 

Students will complete the official unit 2 controlled assessment. Working to a learner assignment brief that is designed to showcase knowledge, skills and understanding of the hospitality and catering industry, evidence must be presented to meet the three assessment objectives:

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding from across the specification.
  • apply skills (including practical skills), knowledge and understanding in a variety of contexts and in planning and carrying out investigations and tasks.
  • analyse and evaluate information, making reasoned judgements and presenting conclusions.

Terms 2 and 3 

Focus will return to the unit 1 exam taken in June: The hospitality and catering industry (40%)

Examination topics:

  • hospitality and catering provision
  • how hospitality and catering providers operate
  • health and safety in hospitality and catering
  • food safety in hospitality and catering

Visit our hospitality and catering page for more information

Media studies

  • Explore media language and representation; media industries and audiences
  • Understand media forms and products in relation to television and music (music videos and online media)

Visit our media studies page for more information

Modern foreign languages

Work/ future plans : Bon travail!

  • Future plans
  • Tourism
  • Charity work

Environment: Un œil sur le monde

  • Environment
  • Social issues
  • Charity work

Visit our French page for more information


  • Students will be comfortable performing in a wide array of situations developing new skills such as improvisation, alternative time signatures and experimenting with different genres both composing and performing existing music
  • Safe use of musical equipment, setting up music equipment for performance and analytical thinking will aid music performance
  • Students will develop an understanding of the key areas of the music business that support the realms of composing and performance.
  • Musical language should be proficient and students will be able to communicate using correct musical language whilst understanding the terminology used in the music industry
  • Students will be able to compose to a brief and perform with confidence. Areas of study will include: protest music, creating a pop star and performing as part of a band
  • Students will be able to work with each other and produce music that shows a contribution made by all members of their groups. Students will be able to identify how as a group improvements can be made using a wide range of musical language and by supporting each other in a mature manner
  • Students will be able to analyse how music is used in media, film and is a commodity that generates revenue
  • Students will investigate and be able to recall music that is used for purposes other than entertainment
  • Students will be exposed to world music that has influenced popular music looking at how this has broadened songwriters’ and composers’ knowledge

Visit our music page for more information


  • Practical photography skills
  • Processing photographs
  • Visual language and communication

Visit our photography page for more information

Triple science


  • Health and disease
  • Biological responses
  • Genetics, evolution and reproduction
  • Adaptation, interdependence and ecology


  • Chemical analysis
  • Rate of reaction
  • Chemical calculations
  • Bonding
  • Earth’s resources
  • Polymers


  • Forces
  • Waves
  • Magnetism
  • Space

Visit our science page for more information