Media studies

Key stage 4 – GCSE
The aim of this exciting course is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the media and to appreciate the role of the media in daily life. It will enable students to develop creative, analytical and decision-making skills through consideration of issues that are important, real and relevant to the world in which we live.

This demanding and up-to-date course requires students to analyse and evaluate a range of current media and to create and evaluate their own productions. Students will also explore media industries and their functions. If you are a student who enjoys English and have a genuine interest in media and current affairs, then media studies is for you.

Topic areas covered:
• exploring media language and representation, media industries and audiences; and
• understanding media forms and products in relation to television and music (music videos and online media).

Method of assessment
This qualification is linear. It consists of two written exams and one piece of coursework.

Mr K Ferguson