Year 7 students have 25 lessons a week. Below is a general overview of the topics students are taught throughout the year in each subject. For a more in depth outline of each subject please click on the link for the subject page.

If you would like to speak to us about any aspect of our curriculum, please get in touch.


  • Line – explore mark-making and texture, record observations in the style of Van Gogh and create expressive and abstract line work. Investigate the work of Kandinsky, consider organic and geometric line/shape. Create a low-relief clay tile inspired by Kandinsky.
  • Tone – develop shading techniques, create tone with a range of materials and produce a 3D effect with tone. Investigate the work of the artist Jim Dine and apply styles to recording of tools and utensils.
  • Colour – learn colour theory and the mixing of colours, explore hot/cold colour.

Visit our art page for more information

Computer science

Autumn term

  • Digital literacy and e-Safety

Spring term

  • Data representation
  • Photopea

Summer term

  • How computers work (including networks and the internet)
  • Scratch (Pacman)

Visit our computer science page for more information

Design and technology


  • Resistant materials – design and make project (battle spinners)
  • Engineering and STEM – making, testing and recording
  • Food – exploring nutrition, food safety, and basic skills
  • Textiles – product design and storage solutions
  • CAD / digital art – introduction to industry standard software

Visit our design and technology page for more information


In year 7, students study a range of topics including an introduction to drama and dramatic techniques such as freeze frames, slow motion, and mime. All of these areas work towards developing confidence.

Students perform in groups and learn a range of basic dramatic performing skills as well as speech and vocal work, physicality and characterisation.

Visit our drama page for more information

English language and literature

Autumn Term

Great Expectations
Key concept – identity: childhood

Spring term

Animal Farm
Key concept – curiosity: power

Summer term

  • Shakespeare
    Key concept – empathy: deviance
  • The Isle of Noise
    Key concept – British Values

Visit our English page for more information


Myself: Accès Studio Units 1-4

  • Myself
  • School

Myself: Accès Studio Units 5-9

  • Family
  • School
  • Free time
  • Sports
  • Myself

School: Mon college

  • School
  • Food and drink

Visit our French page for more information


  • My place
  • Settlement
  • Coasts
  • Weather
  • Living of the Earth

Visit our geography page for more information


  • Early invaders and settlers
  • The Battle of Hastings
  • The Norman Conquest
  • Medieval life
  • Medieval power
  • The Silk Roads
  • African kingdoms
  • Early modern religious changes
  • Early modern society
  • The English Civil War
  • Early Empire

Visit our history page for more information


  • Number – prior/core
  • Algebra – prior/core
  • Geometry – prior/core
  • Statistics and probability – prior/core
  • Ratio and proportion – prior/core

Visit our mathematics page for more information


  • Students will be perform as either a small band or large ensemble and demonstrate the use of elements of music and composing. Skills taught include practise methods and song writing techniques 
  • Students will recognise and describe the characteristics of pop genres
  • Students will structure music so that it fits in with common compositional methods 
  • Students will critique music using basic vocabulary
  • Understand the health benefits of music and the uses of music in wider life including in other media
  • Students will investigate, compose and perform music from Brazil

Visit our music page for more information

Personal development

  • Transition and safety

Transition to secondary school and personal safety in and outside school, including first aid

  • Developing skills and aspirations

Careers, teamwork, enterprise skills, and raising aspirations

  • Diversity

Diversity, prejudice, and bullying

  • Health and puberty

Healthy routines, influences on health, puberty, unwanted contact, and FGM

  • Financial decision making

Saving, borrowing, budgeting and making financial choices

  • Building relationships

Self-worth, romance and friendships (including online) and relationship boundaries

Visit our personal development page for more information

Physical education

In year 7, students take part in a range of team sports; (football, handball, netball, rugby), individual sports; (badminton, tennis, table tennis) and other sports; (fitness, gymnastics, dance, orienteering and cross country).

Students learn a range of basic skills that include how to prepare the body for physical activity. There is usually a focus on three core skills in team sports with students developing to advanced skill and performance strategy year on year.

Visit our physical education page for more information



  • Structure and function of the digestive system and breathing system
  • Reproduction in humans and plants
  • Cells
  • Respiration
  • A simple model of chromosomes genes and DNA


  • Physical and chemical properties of different elements
  • Structure of nuclear atomic model
  • Chemical symbols and formulae for elements and compounds
  • Properties of different states of matter
  • Particle models
  • The conservation of mass


  • Energy
  • The concept of work
  • Waves and sound
  • Forces
  • The nature of fuels and the use of batteries
  • Magnetism as a non-contact force 

Working Scientifically

  • Identify independent, dependent and control variables
  • Identify appropriate measurements to be taken
  • Make and record observations and measurements
  • Interpret observations and data and draw conclusions
  • Evaluate reliability of methods and evidence

Visit our science page for more information