Curriculum intent

To increase physical competence, improve performance and instil healthy habits for life

Those students who develop a deeper curiosity for physical education will study the physiological and psychological factors that underpin performance and the socio-cultural factors that affect participation in modern day sport through vocational and academic pathways in GCSE, BTEC and A-Level qualifications.

Our curriculum in physical education aims to ensure that all students:

  1. develop competence in a range of physical activities
  2. immerse themselves in a range of competitive and non-competitive activities through curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities
  3. respect the contribution of others
  4. develop cultural appreciation of sport in the broader sense
  5. lead healthy, active lives
  6. understand the physiological, psychological and socio-cultural factors that underpin performance

GCSE and vocational qualifications

GCSE and TECH Award Sport Studies

Students opting to take sport studies at GCSE will be selected onto one of two pathways. The GCSE course is traditionally a more academic pathway that has a significant amount of theory content assessed over two exams at the end of the course. This qualification also has a practical assessment across three sports.

The Tech Award is a vocational course that offers an opportunity to experience sport through leadership – fitness training and sports performance are assessed predominantly through coursework and one exam worth 25% of the overall grade.

This courses follow the Edexcel exam board specification.


60% exam
30% practical
10% coursework

Course overview

Fitness and body systems – applied anatomy and physiology; movement analysis; physical training
Health and performance – health, fitness and wellbeing; sports psychology, socio-cultural influences
Analysis of performance
Practical assessment
Tech Award

40% exam
60% coursework

Course overview

Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions (40% written exam)
Students will learn how to prevent and treat sporting injuries as well as understand how different medical conditions can affect sports performance.

Applying the principles of training including fitness and how it affects skills performance (30% coursework)
Students will apply the principles of training to fitness and skills development for sporting activities.

Nutrition and sports performance (30% coursework)
Students will understand how to apply knowledge of good nutrition to improve sporting performance.

Additional information

Long term plan

Extra-curricular PE timetable

Extra-curricular – term 1

In term 1 students have access to extra-curricular clubs in football, netball, trampoline, rugby and table tennis. Students have the opportunity to compete in inter-school competitions including local, county and national competitions in football and festival style district and county competitions in netball, handball and basketball that run through to March.

Extra-curricular – term 2

In term 2, the extra-curricular offer changes and students have access to handball, badminton, table tennis and trampoline. Students have opportunities to compete in inter-school fixtures in handball and basketball through merit leagues and local competitions in basketball, badminton and table tennis. The football season continues if teams are successful in the competitions.

Extra-curricular – term 3

In term 3, students have access to cricket, rounders, tennis and athletics extra-curricular clubs. Students have opportunities to represent the school in local friendly competitions as well as county cup competitions in cricket and district competitions in athletics. The term cumulates in two partnership athletics competitions open to all year groups where students compete in a wide variety of athletics disciplines. Students in years 8, 9 and 10 have the opportunity to progress to county, regional and even national competitions.

Winter Games

An inter-house competition that takes place in the last week before the October half term. Students compete in house teams in a wide variety of team sports with the opportunity to win the winter games trophy.

Sports day

This event takes place annually in the summer term and involves all students in years 7-10. It is an opportunity for students to compete against their peers in a variety of athletics events.

Diverse Academies Games

The Diverse Academies Games is an opportunity for students to represent the academy in athletics and a range of team sports. East Leake Academy take a team of students to compete against schools across the trust to compete for the diverse academies trophy.